What is the Microsoft I Accelerator? Microsoft EMBRACE ERG have partnered with EDI to create the Microsoft I Accelerator. Year 12/13 students interested in degree apprenticeships will have the opportunity to participate in the Microsoft I Accelerator virtual work experience programme for 4 days virtual and final day at the Microsoft offices. Learn about Microsoft, work on a live business challenge and gain valuable skills transferable to the workplace.
Who is the Microsoft I Accelerator open to? The I Accelerator will be open to students from Black and Ethnic Minority backgrounds and students interested in degree apprenticeships.

How will the I Accelerator work? Each student will work in a team of 5 to develop a solution to the challenge presented. Various workshops will be delivered by Microsoft throughout the week. You will develop a presentation to be delivered to senior managers in Microsoft on the final day of the work experience and you will also have the opportunity to build your professional network.
Date: Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2024
Time: 9:30 - 4.00pm each day
Student Benefits:
An enhanced profile – enhance your CV and build valuable experiences
Insight to careers – providing insights to the broad spectrum of careers available
Personal development – develop skills and attributes valued in the workplace
Networking opportunities – connect with diverse professionals
Personal brand development – define what makes you stand out
Interview practice – develop the skills needed to compete in today’s job market
Deadline Thursday 23rd October 2024