4Skills Work Experience brings creative careers in TV and Broadcasting into your hands
In this 3 step programme we'll introduce you to real careers and real people as you learn more about what goes into the thriving creative industry that you see around you.
You'll be set real world challenges, discover what could be your creative career match and get insider information from current Channel 4 Employees on what makes for a successful creative career.
Explore the creative industry in 3 core modules and pick and mix
You might be one of the many people who aren't sure where they'd start to try and get into TV and Broadcasting... and that's why we're here to give you a taste!
Completing our work experience will not only give you a better idea of the different career opportunities within the industry, but you’ll have gained valuable experience that you can bring with you, whatever career you end up in.
This programme is just the start!
What's involved?
Core Modules
The programme consists of 3 core modules. These modules offers insights into the multifaceted pathways to a creative career, as seen at Channel 4, and equips you with employability skills through practical examples and actionable content.
What Is The Creative Industry
Creative Personas
Optional Modules
Once you have completed the core modules you have the opportunity to take 7 optional modules. These focuses on a different team within Channel 4 that have their own unique impact on the creation of TV entertainment:
Legal and Compliance
Consumer Insight
There are far more opportunities within the TV and Broadcasting industry than meets the eye
The actors and presenters are the people we see on the screen, but there is so much that goes into getting them there.
It's someone's job to come up with a show idea, someone else needs to manage the production budget, another person needs to create all of the costumes and sets - and what about making sure people actually tune in?
The opportunities are endless! Here's just some of the areas you could get involved in -
Join the 4Skills Work Experience Programme -