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Arts Emergency mentor programme now open for creative students

Updated: Oct 11, 2023

Arts Emergency provides 16-18 year olds with free mentoring, advice and opportunities to help you pursue a career you’re passionate about. Applications to get a mentor are now open!

What does being a mentee look like?

As a mentee with Arts Emergency, you will get a year of 1:1 support from a trained mentor who works within the creative industries. We will match you with a mentor based on your interests and the career you may be hoping to go into in the future. You will also be able to meet industry contacts and have the opportunity to gain experience in the workplace. Our mentors can support you with guidance, career insight, higher education and networking. You can find out more information on mentoring on our FAQ page.

Who can apply? If you...

  • will be aged between 16 and 18 in January 2024

  • live in or near London, Brighton, Greater Manchester or Merseyside

  • are in college and are interested in studying an arts or humanities degree or want a career in the creative or cultural industries

then an Arts Emergency mentor could support you! After completing a year of mentoring you'll get access to professional networking and development opportunities until your 26th birthday. We try to work with young people who most need the support of an Arts Emergency mentor, and therefore every mentee must meet at least one of the criteria below:

  • Your parents or carers haven't studied at university in the UK or abroad

  • You are or have been eligible for free school meals

  • You are currently in receipt of the government's 16-19 bursary

  • You would describe yourself as Black, Asian or from an ethnic minority background

  • You consider yourself to be disabled

  • You consider yourself to have a learning disability or special education need

  • The postcode of the home address at which you spent the most time between the ages of 0 and 18 was an area of deprivation*

*For example if you lived at five addresses before you turned 18, we'll use the one you spent the most time at to check your eligibility against this criteria If you are not sure about your eligibility for the mentoring programme and would like to talk to a member of the team please get in touch.

Applications to get a mentor are now open until 25 October! Click Here!

After we've received you're application we'll review it. If you meet our eligibility criteria and seem right for the programme, we'll be in touch to arrange an informal interview to get to know you better and go over what's involved in being part of Arts Emergency. Then we'll work on matching you with the perfect mentor!

More information on Arts Emergency can be found on their website here:

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