Explore your STEM future
STEM's free national online mentoring scheme, in partnership with The Brightside Trust, is designed to help 13-19-year-olds explore their future career options. By chatting with trained and experienced STEM professionals, young people can:
ask for careers advice
learn more about potential careers
consider life after school, including education at university, apprenticeships, or preparing for employment
The programme is fully funded so participation is free for UK students.
The next cohort of mentoring will run from Monday 9th October until Monday 18th December 2023.
The deadline for applications is Monday 2nd October.
Who can apply?
All young people aged between 13-19 from across the UK are invited to apply.
Teachers can also apply sign-up for their students. There is no limit on the number of mentees able to access the programme from any one school or college.
What support will students get?
Students receive one-to-one personalised support over a 10-week period from a STEM Ambassador mentor, with an enhanced safeguarding certificate, who has volunteered to be part of the programme.
They will also gain access to resources to help them make informed decisions about their future and cover topics such as:
Mental health and wellbeing
Job hunting, applications and interviews
Study skills
Money, housing and independent living
How will mentees and mentors talk?
Students can message their mentor at any time during the 10-week period. Conversations take place via text-based messaging, a bit like email, so mentors will reply as soon as they can.
Can mentors talk over video-call or in-person?
To keep mentees safe, conversations can only take place via the secure and moderated mentoring platform.
For more detailed information, go to this link - https://www.stem.org.uk/secondary/careers/mentoring