The GOSH Young Visitors Programme is currently open for applications to take place during the Easter break, the Summer half term and the Summer break.
The dates are as follows -
Next batch of applications open on Monday 19th February!
The GOSH Young Visitors Programme is an initiative to offer short placements in the different clinical areas of GOSH to students thinking of applying for medicine at university.
This programme is suitable for students aged 16-19 years (ideally sixth form students post GCSE) and runs throughout the year, offering 1-to-4-day placements in the speciality of the student’s choice, dependent upon availability of places and supervising staff.
The purpose of the programme is to give an idea of what it is like to work in the NHS by shadowing clinical and nursing staff; this is a type of work experience although there is no hands-on work. Students are always supervised during this placement.
Information on the GOSH Young Visitors Programme can be found here -
Choosing your placement area
Think carefully about where you wish to be placed, should you wish to apply. GOSH provides highly specialised work that would not provide a typical experience for all students.
It might be of greater use and relevance to attain a placement in another hospital that provides general care to patients. In addition, as we are a tertiary referral centre there are very many complex and acutely unwell children in GOSH and some students may find this distressing.
In all cases we are looking for evidence of your passion and knowledge of the area.
Please ensure that your application is clear and well presented. Try and think of specific examples to demonstrate your understanding of and interest in the placement.
Take the time to research the area of GOSH you are applying to work in. This will help you to get the most out of your time with us and demonstrate your passion and commitment. Once we have received your application, it will be assessed before being passed to the department to check availability of space and a suitable supervisor.
Once you have got your placement, try to make the most of it, even if some aspects of it surprise you.
Please always follow the Trust Health & Safety procedures – these will be explained to you as part of your local induction as well as the instructions of your supervisor.
Please note applications will not be accepted or processed outside these timeframes. Should you have any questions, please contact